The Online Loan Payment Service is a feature of Texas National Banks Online Banking, Consumer Electronic Banking (CeB). This Service allows you to electronically transfer funds from your personal checking or savings account that you own at another U.S. Financial Institution (“External Account”) to pay your loan at Texas National Bank (“Eligible Account”).
1. Authorization and Termination of External Transfers
You (a) represent and warrant that you are an owner of that External Account (and you are authorized by any other owner(s) of the External Account to enroll and make External Transfers from that account); and (b) authorize Texas National Bank to initiate debit transactions on the External Account based on instructions entered through Texas National Bank’s Online Banking Service, or to correct any errors that Texas National Bank identifies.
Your authorizations to Texas National Bank regarding any External Account will remain in full force
until you terminate External Account Services for that specific account or all your External Accounts
as provided herein in the section entitled “Termination of External Account Services.”
2. Enrollment of an External Account
You will need to enroll an External Account before you can transfer funds from that External Account.
To enroll, you must have the following information.
- Account number;
- the ABA Routing for the external financial institution;
- external financial institution name
- whether the External Account is a checking or savings account
Texas National Bank reserves the right to reject an enrollment request for any reason, including without limitation potential fraud or misuse, limitations as outlined by the United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or an incomplete enrollment. You agree to enroll only Personal Accounts (business, corporate, or organization accounts are NOT allowed).
3. External Account Number Accuracy
Texas National Bank is not obligated to validate any External Account number (any account from another financial institution) that you provide in the enrollment process for your loan payment. It is your responsibility to ensure you enter a valid and correct External Account number.
4. Transferring from an External Account
If sufficient funds are not available in your Funding account on the Funding Date, the loan payment will be cancelled, and you will be responsible for any late payment related charges or fees as described in your loan documents with Texas National Bank. You will also be solely responsible for any overdraft or related fees charged by the External financial Institution where the funds account is
5. Loan Payments
You may initiate same day and future dated payments to your loan account. Any payments received before 6:00 p.m. CST will be processed the same business day.
NOTE: Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.
6. Canceling Specific Funds Transfers
You may use the Service to cancel or edit a future dated payment prior to 6:00 p.m. CST on the business day preceding the Transaction Date.
7. Termination of External Transfer Service
If, at any time, you wish to terminate your use of the External Transfer Service for any or all enrolled External Accounts, you will need to discontinue use of the External Transfer Service and immediately cancel any scheduled transactions, whether one-time or recurring transactions. You may cancel transactions that are not in-progress via the following methods:
- Through Texas National Bank Online Banking; and/or
- Telephone us at 1-855-862-1920; and/or
- Via email to; and/or
- Write us at: Texas National Bank Online Banking Services P. O. Box 4650 Edinburg, TX 78540-4650
Termination of the External Transfer Service with an External Account may be requested by you, or by any other owner or person presenting ownership of that External Account. Notwithstanding your termination of the External Transfer Service, this Agreement will continue to govern any transactions that cannot be canceled at the time of your termination. Texas National Bank reserves the right to terminate your access, or any access, to this External Transfer Service, to cancel any and all transactions, and remove any or all enrolled External Account for any or no reason, including without limitation fraud, misuse, kiting, ACH transaction rejects and returns, or any unauthorized access or use of the External Transfer Service.
8. Our Liability
If we do not complete an electronic payment to your loan on time or in the correct amount according to this Agreement, we will only be liable for making the necessary adjustment transactions to correct the error, including reimbursement for any late payment or other account charges that may have been incurred and refunding the associated fees. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instances:
- If, through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your External Account to make the transfer;
- If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we have taken;
- If a technical malfunction exists on the Transaction Date; or
- If funds are subject to legal process or other encumbrance restricting such transfer; or
- If any other specific exceptions stated in this Agreement are applicable.
Unless prohibited by applicable law, the foregoing shall constitute our entire liability and your exclusive remedy. In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits, arising in any way out of the installation, use or maintenance of the software used to access the Service.
9. In Case of Errors or Questions about Your External Transfers
Please contact our Online Support Team at 1-855-862-1920 or e-mail us at in regard to errors or questions about your External Transfers. You may also write to us at the addresses listed above in section 7 of this agreement.
The Bank will generally acknowledge emails within 24 hours; however, we will not act based on your email request until we have a reasonable time period to act.
NOTE: If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your email within 24 hours, you should check to ensure that the emails was received by the Bank.
We will never ask you to send confidential information to us via email, such as your user ID, password, account numbers or Social Security number. If you receive such a request, DO NOT respond to it. Please notify us immediately at 1-855-865-1920.
10. External Transfer Fees
There is currently no fee charged by Texas National Bank for enrolling in the External Transfer Service, or for making an External Transfer. However, there may be fees charged by the external financial institution for ACH transactions involving an External Account. You should check with your other financial institution for any such fees.
11. Changes to Fees or Other Terms
We reserve the right to change the fees or other terms described above as set forth in the Online Banking Services Agreement.